
Areca Plus - A Product You Can Trust

As a health practitioner with over 30 years of experience, I have seen many products come and go. The Areca Plus Card™️ is one of the few items in this field that I feel comfortable recommending to my clients. I use the Areca Plus Card™️ in my practice and sell over 100 units each month. This product has undergone robust testing, including double-blind randomized trials by the BION Institute, and has consistently come out on top across various testing modalities.

The Areca Plus Card™️ is designed to minimize and protect people from harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs). The dangers of EMFs in our lives cannot be overstated; they increase in strength each year as we demand greater connectivity from our sophisticated devices. Our bodies were never designed to handle this level of technological exposure, which can lead to inflammation, bodily breakdown, and intolerance to high-EMF environments.

An Areca Plus Card™️ can be a game changer when placed on your phone, fuse box, or WiFi router. It helps the body maintain homeostasis and stay comfortable in challenging environments. They offer a range of bundles to suit different budgets, and at the very least, everyone should have an Areca Plus Card™️ on their mobile phone, laptop, WiFi router, fuse box and Intruder Alarm.

~ Lilias Ahmeira Holistic Practitioner

Total Game Changer!

Being extremely sensitive to EMF's I have experienced all kinds of symptoms when using devices like feeling drained, low energy, dizziness, strong heat, irritability, headaches, convulsions, insomnia and a sharp pain like sensation throughout my whole body.

Having this sticker I feel less drained, can tolerate technology much better and feel stronger! What a relief!

~ Jake D.

Tangible Sense of Protection

Being extremely sensitive to all kinds of energies, including EMF's, this Areca Plus Card sticker is a much appreciated and valuable ally to me. When having this whilst using devices, or in manmade built up areas, surrounded by EMF's or a lot of people I feel less drained and it gives me a tangible sense of protection, clarity and the grounding that I normally experience when I'm in nature.

Having it affirms my connection to Mother Earth.

Deep gratitude for the creation of the Areca Plus Card! Definitely enhances my quality of life.

~ Vicky H.

Feeling freer!

Having the Areca Plus Card on my phone I feel less compressed in my chest. It was weird at first, I felt as though I could suddenly take in more air. Just like when you're at the top of a mountain taking in the fresh air. I feel so great after getting this!

~ Sharon M.